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Every student enrolled at UPES in bachelor’s, engineering, or master’s programs is required to complete a final-year internship within a company related to their field of study, typically during their final year.

The final-year internship lasts 2 to 3 months for the bachelor's degree, 3 to 4 months for the professional master's degree, and 4 to 6 months for the engineering program. During the internship, students are required to adhere to the attendance rules and working hours of the host company to leave a positive impression of both themselves and UPES.


Ideally, the student should begin his internship search efforts in the summer. Once the company's agreement has been obtained, the student must complete the document 'End of studies project, an internship diary, an internship agreement and an internship certificate' and obtain the signature of an official representative. of the company, then the student will submit this document to the tuition office for approval.

During the internship period, the student will be supervised by a university supervisor and a supervisor from the host institution. These two people will be the resource persons who validate any progress made in the course. We count on our students to demonstrate their know-how and respect the appointments given by their supervisors for follow-up sessions. The length of the internship report and all the specificities related to it may vary from one specialty to another, for more information, ask your director of studies for support.

The first step in the evaluation is the verification of the internship validations. To be qualified to present a subject in front of a jury, the student must have spent all of his apprenticeship time and have an internship certificate signed by the supervisor of the host establishment, as well as the tuition office. . Any internship not validated results in automatic failure.

It is highly inadvisable to submit your internship report late, students must show punctuality and accountability for the submission of their work. For more information, consult the end-of-studies project guide or contact your director of studies.

While adhering to the stated deadlines, we require students to submit the following:

- A complete internship report, approved by its supervisor and well revised, this internship report will then be checked with computer software for any plagiarism. Once the verification is finished, we will move on to the next step. The student needs to provide

-5 copies of this internship report with the stamp and signature of the professional supervisor, as well as 2 digital copies on a CD-ROM.

- An internship journal

- An internship agreement

- An internship certificate

Once all the documents are submitted and evaluated, the next step is the defense. Generally, the defenses are held towards the end of the academic year (in May and June) in front of a jury composed of university professors (a Reporter, a Jury President, an administrative member, and the student's supervisor), as well as professionals from the field. Each student can choose between an open defense (with the presence of colleagues and family members) or a closed defense (limited to jury members only).

The defense dates and room assignments will be communicated to students in advance.


A professional internship is a valuable opportunity to gain professional experience, develop practical skills, and explore the world of work.

Documents related to internships:

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