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To access the UPES program, candidates must go through the following steps:

L’admission à l’UPES est soit une :

  • Une admission directe : Elle concerne les étudiants titulaires du baccalauréat tunisien.
  • Une admission après une décision de notre conseil d’orientation : Il concerne les candidats de nationalité tunisienne ou étrangère titulaires d’un diplôme étranger jugé équivalent.

Pour accéder aux programmes d’UPES et être accepté il faut :

  • Remplir une demande d’admission à retirer dans nos locaux ou en ligne.
  • Envoyer la demande dûment remplie ainsi que les pièces justificatives exigées au bureau des admissions par email à : infos@upes-megrine.com ou à incriptions@upes-megrine.com

Le dossier du Futur étudiant est composé d’un :

  • Un formulaire d’inscription dûment rempli
  • A birth certificate in Arabic and French
  • Un dossier scolaire complet comprenant :
    1. Pour les candidats encore au lycée ou dans un établissement d’enseignement secondaire au moment de la demande d’admission : les relevés de notes obtenues à cette date au titre de l’année en cours et de l’année précédente, l’admission étant alors soumise à l’obtention du baccalauréat.
    2. Pour toute autre personne : les relevés des notes obtenues durant les trois années antérieures ainsi que ceux de l’année en cours, le cas échéant.
    3. Les diplômes obtenus certifiés conformes à l’original.
    4. Le cas échéant, le certificat d’inscription délivré par le dernier établissement universitaire fréquenté.
    5. Any additional information deemed useful or necessary.


We warmly welcome you to the Private Faculty of Management Sciences and Technology.

Whether you are returning to continue your studies or attending our faculty for the first time, we are convinced that your experience will be most rewarding.

L’inscription n’est considérée comme définitive qu’après acceptation du dossier de l’étudiant par la Faculté et le règlement des frais de scolarité et des autres droits exigés.

NB : Les frais de scolarité sont dus pour l’année entière et sont payables au moment de l’inscription, sauf accord dérogatoire de la Direction Générale. Toute somme versée demeure acquise à l’UPES. Il n’est fait ni remboursement, ni réduction pour cause d’annulation d’inscription, d’entrée tardive, d’absence, de maladie, de départ volontaire ou d’exclusion, etc.

Dès la confirmation par l’UPES de l’admission définitive, l’étudiant doit compléter son dossier d’admission par les pièces suivantes :

  • 4 passport photos
  • Une photocopie de la carte d’identité nationale
  • The medical file
  • The payment of the 1st installment of tuition fees


To access the UPES program, candidates must go through the following steps:

To access the UPES program, candidates must go through the following steps:

The candidate must complete a pre-registration form either online or to be collected from the administration.

Direct link : (https: /upes/pre-inscription/).

  • Admission to the preparatory cycle or licenses

It relates to :

  1. Applicants with a licence's degree TUNISIAN scientific, economic, technical or equivalent.
  2. Candidates of nationality TUNISIAN or FOREIGN holders of a foreign diploma deemed equivalent.

For candidates wishing to join the 2nd year of the preparatory cycle or the 2nd or 3rd year of the license, the admission competition takes place according to a file study by the admissions committee.

The candidate can proceed to the registration stage if the members of the commission have issued a favorable opinion in a detailed admission report.

  • Admission competition for Professional Masters 2023/2024
  1. The admission competition

For each academic year, the UPES launches the call for applications for the competitive examination for professional masters.

1.1 For admission to the 1st Year Professional Masters

Candidates wishing to join a 1st year Professional Master must have either:

  • National diploma of applied license, LMD regime or an equivalent diploma;
  • National diploma of fundamental license, in the LMD system or an equivalent diploma;
  • National bachelor's degree, in the LMD system or an equivalent diploma;
  • Diploma attesting to a university education that lasts at least three (3) years after the baccalaureate.

1.2 For admission to the 2nd year Professional Masters

Candidates wishing to join a 2nd year Professional Masters are those who have successfully completed their 1st year Professional Masters in the same specialty with valuation of the units/validations of the credits they have obtained in an admission report.

Any application that does not meet these requirements will not be processed.

  1. Admissions procedures

The admission procedure is essentially based on these phases:

Phase 1 – File review : The admissions committee studies the file of each candidate and gives him a score according to the criteria indicated in the table below. Then, the commission ranks the candidates in order of merit and sets the list of candidates selected for the admission interview. On this fact, a summons will be sent to the SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES to invite them to the oral interview.

For unsuccessful applicants, an email will be sent notifying them of the decision awarded.



Table 1: Folder preselection grid




Candidate's area of ​​training

 . /5


Candidate's degree specialty

. /5


Validated credits

. /5


The averages and mention

. /5


Score on file

. /20


Decision of the juries


Phase 2 - Intake Interview: The candidate selected during the pre-selection phase undergoes an oral interview before an admissions jury. This interview can be either ONLINE or IN FACE.

The jury awards the candidates a score and a ranking in order of merit according to the admission criteria indicated in the table below.

NB: ONLY those who are the first classified are retained taking into account the number of places open to the competition set for each academic year.

Admission criteria

Table 2: Intake interview grid

Averages / years of study. /5 
The marks of the subjects related to the specialty. /4 
General knowledge related to the specialty. /4 
Motivation for integration into the master's degree. /3 
Mastery of languages ​​(French, English). /2 
Social, associative, cultural life, etc.. /2 
Admission interview score. /20 
Decision of the juries 


Phase 3 – Deliberation

Based on the scores obtained following the oral interviews with the candidates, the jury deliberates and establishes the main list and an additional list of the selected candidates.

Table 3: Ranking result of successful applicants

RankingCandidateScore on file (50%)Interview score (50%)Final scoreDecision

An e-mail is sent to each admitted candidate and possibly his legal guardian to inform them of the final decision. This letter also indicates the deadline by which the admitted student must confirm his registration. In the event of non-compliance with the unjustified deadline and in the absence of confirmation of registration, the candidate is considered to have been withdrawn, his place is then allocated to the candidate best ranked in the additional list.

Following the decision of the jury, the accepted candidates move on to the registration stage.

Deadline for submitting applications: Thursday, August 17, 2023

The successful candidate must submit the following documents:

  • A duly completed and signed registration form
  • A birth certificate in Arabic and French
  • 4 passport photos
  • A copy of national identity card/passport
  • A certified copy of the baccalaureate diploma
  • A certified copy of the baccalaureate transcript
  • A certified copy of the last diploma
  • A true copy of transcripts from higher years
  • The medical file
  • The rules of procedure duly signed
  • The payment of the 1st installment of tuition fees
  • Any additional information deemed useful or necessary.


NOTE: Registration is considered final only after acceptance of the student's file by the Faculty and payment of tuition fees and other required fees.

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